It is important to read and understand these Terms and Conditions before enrolment. By enrolling, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and agree to be bound by them. Info-Tech Systems Integrators Pte Ltd is not responsible for any misunderstandings or omissions that may occur if you do not read these terms carefully.
You have chosen to engage Info-Tech Systems Integrators Pte Ltd (“Info-Tech”) for its consultancy and/or training purposes, as the case may be. In doing so, you accept the terms and conditions set out below:
- The quotation does not include re-assessment costs, annual recurrent costs from the continuing assessments and re-certification.
- Info-Tech will appoint a trainer or trainers (as the case may be) (hereafter, the “Trainer”) to conduct the courses for the person(s) so nominated by you (the “Learners”).
- In signing up for the course, the Learners may have been provided with a price that is nett of various grants and/or subsidies by without limitation, the government, or other third-party agencies.
- You and/or your Learners and/or your company agree to submit relevant training application(s) to government or other third-party agencies within stipulated timelines, in order to obtain training subsidies (where applicable).
- You acknowledge that in signing up for the course, you acknowledge that the government or other third-party agencies may decline to provide the subsidies to you for whatever reason (where applicable). This can be for whatever reason, including but not limited to: -
- Failure to show up despite signing for a course;
- Failure to complete the course;
- Failing the course;
- Failing to pay nett fee in time such that the subsidies cannot be claimed;
- Having a prior attendance at the course;
In such a situation, you agree to make payment to Info-Tech of the full fees as communicated to you upon written demand.
Conduct of Training
- The Trainer will provide the guidance as is reasonable and necessary throughout the whole class duration.
- In the course of training, the Learners may receive various software, training content and materials (soft copy), and other similar materials. These shall be provided by the Trainer.
- You agree on behalf of the Learners that all software and training content, are provided for preparation and implementation during the class duration shall be kept confidential by you and the Learners.
- Should there be any confidential business matters provided by you to Info-Tech or the Trainer, please inform Info-Tech or the Trainer beforehand. We will observe strict secrecy for such information received by Info-Tech and/or Trainer (as the case may be).
Attendance Requirements
- For courses commencing from 1 Jan 2024, SSG will no longer require a minimum 75% attendance for course fee funding and absentee payroll funding.
- For all other non – funded and non – certifiable courses, attendance requirements will require a minimum of 75% attendance for the full training course.
- Attendance taking will continue to be mandatory and learners are required to fulfil existing requirements for passing of assessments and successful completion of the training course.
Course Completion Requirements
- As Info-Tech’s policy, learners are required to fulfil a minimum 75% attendance and attain a “Competent” status on the assessment to successfully complete the course.
- For non – funded and non – certifiable courses, the above requirements will continue to apply.
- For non – funded learners, the above requirements will continue to apply.
- Funded learners are required to fulfil existing requirements for passing of assessments and successful completion of the training course.
Withdrawal from Course/Refund policy
- In the event that Info-Tech cancels, reschedules, or changes the venue of the training, Info-Tech will, upon written demand, refund 100% of the price of the training course.
- If the event that the learner withdraws from the course with a written notice of withdrawal emailed to, Info-Tech shall refund to the learner the percentage of fees paid based on the below table (less any applicable bank administrative charges).
- For any refund or payment from Info-Tech, please allow a processing time of up to 7 working days.
When written notice of cancellation or withdrawal is received | Refund policy |
More than 10 days before the course start date | Full refund of course fee paid |
4 – 10 days before the course start date | Refund of course fees paid with a $100 administrative charge per trainee |
3 days before the course start date, or failure to attend without prior notice | No refund |
Appeal of Course Assessment Outcome
- In the event that you or the Learners are not agreeable to the final assessment outcome, the Learner will need to submit an appeal request within 7 days from the date of declaration of assessment result.
- Learners will be required to pay a nominal fee of $50.00, payable by PayNow/NETS/Cheque. The nominal fee paid does not constitute a favourable outcome of the appeal request.
- Info-Tech has the discretion to duly conduct an impartial review into the request but not the obligation that the outcome must be favourable, if all findings of the review prove otherwise.
- In the event of any outcome, the nominal fee will not be refundable.
Quality of Training
- If you or the Learners take the position that the quality of training, classes, and all related sessions conducted by Info-Tech or the Trainer are of poor or inadequate quality, you agree that you will inform Info-Tech and/or the Trainer within 14 days of the session.
Duration of Training and Consultancy
- You agree and acknowledge that the time periods for the various trainings are estimates. Info-Tech reserves its rights to amend the time periods for the trainings at its sole discretion.
- For all training courses, it is your obligation to ensure that you and/or the Learner comply with the timelines informed to you. In the event that you and/or the Learner are late for the courses, there will be no refunds or additional time allocated to you.
- The Trainer has the right (but not the obligation) to issue a memorandum or reminder to the Learner should the assignments are not completed satisfactorily, or not in a timely manner as the case may be.
- At the conclusion of the course in question, Info-Tech or other such third-party may issue the requisite certification to the Learners.
Personal Data
- In the course of providing the services to you, you acknowledge that Info-Tech will come into access of personal data of you and without limitation, your employees, consultants, and third-party contractors.
- You confirm that you are entitled to supply the personal data to Info-Tech and the Trainer and that consent covering the intended use has been obtained from the relevant persons.
- Info-Tech will use the data for the purposes of carrying out its Academy and training purposes as set forth above, and within the limits reasonably described above.
- You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Info-Tech, the Trainer, and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms and Conditions or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.
- You further agree that Info-Tech and the Trainer shall not be held responsible for any loss, damages, or claim arising directly or indirectly from the activities that they perform in the course of their engagement with you.
By reading through this Terms and Conditions, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these terms.